Hold This Ground
Very similar to today, the American Civil War was a tumultuous period in the history of the United States. Brother against brother, in the pain and sacrifice that is always present in the evils of war. On a side note, this is also why many of you have a heaviness in your heart about the spiritual climate of our society today… there is a war all around us for the soul of our nation and its people, and it takes the form of brother versus brother as well.
Among the many heroes who emerged from this period, Joshua Chamberlain stands out as a shining example of courage and leadership. Born in 1828 in Brewer, Maine, he was the son of a farmer and a devout Christian, which was more of a normality in our recent past. Chamberlain’s strong faith and intellectual background would later influence his actions on the battlefield. Just like the rest of us, his character was developed in the classroom of life, but Joshua was more determined to experience a divine outcome than the average person. We often do not recognize that the virtuous qualities of those we admire as heroes did the ‘hard thing’ of purposefully establishing their hearts in that manner.

See to it that no one takes you captive through philosophy and empty deception, which are based on human tradition and the spiritual forces of the world rather than on Christ.
Colossians 2:8
And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.
Acts 20:32
When the American Civil War broke out in 1861, Chamberlain was deeply moved by the events unfolding across the nation compelled by the simplicity of the need to just do the right thing. To dissuade him from the call of duty, he was offered a promotion from Bowdoin College where he was an admired professor and even enticed by a year’s travel with pay in Europe in 1862 to study languages, but Chamberlain instead volunteered his citizen services to Maine’s Infantry Regiment. His deference towards his God and country could not be bought off.

I personally struggle to understand how a person can claim godliness and not have an active love for their nation. If we are commanded by God to ‘love our neighbor,’ how can that be properly adhered to without a love for the nation where one’s neighbor resides? Chamberlain turned down offers of money, ministry, and title deciding instead to join the Union army, believing that it was his moral duty to defend the Biblical values of liberty and the brotherhood of mankind. He quickly rose through the ranks, demonstrating his natural talent for leadership and strategy even though he lacked formal military training. The Art of Warfare has a spiritual context too.
The famous Battle of Gettysburg fought from July 1 to July 3, 1863, was a pivotal moment in the Civil War. The Union forces, led by General George G. Meade, faced off against the Confederate Army, commanded by General Robert E. Lee. The battle was intense and bloody, with both sides suffering heavy casualties. One of the most critical moments of the battle occurred on the second day when the Confederate Army launched an assault on Little Round Top, a strategic hilltop position held by Union forces. If the Confederates could capture Little Round Top, they would have a clear line of sight to the Union lines, potentially turning the tide of the battle. Joshua Chamberlain and his 20th Maine Infantry Regiment were stationed at Little Round Top knowing the gravity of their position and the necessity to hold that ground.
Despite being outnumbered and facing fierce resistance, Chamberlain and his men held their deployment, repelling seven Confederate attacks through grit and sheer resolve. Chamberlain’s tactical decisions, including ordering a bayonet charge down the hillside when depleted of ammunition, proved instrumental in keeping Little Round Top under Union control. When I learn of historic events like these, it makes me wonder where the courageous and committed people of today are. A major obstacle to persevering faith is the infrequent presence of true godliness, which has been diminished by secular colleges and universities, leading to a slow atrophy of authentic Christianity. A well-worn warning is how God’s people ‘perish for lack of knowledge’.
Therefore My people will go into exile for their lack of understanding; their dignitaries are starving and their masses are parched with thirst.
Isaiah 5:13
Yet oftentimes, we forget that blessings, prosperity, and living in the divine nature (which includes courageous acts of valor) come FROM knowledge.
Grace and peace be multiplied to you through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the knowledge of Him who called us by His own glory and excellence. Through these He has given us His precious and magnificent promises, so that through them you may become partakers of the divine nature, now that you have escaped the corruption in the world caused by evil desires.
2 Peter 1:2-4 (emphasis mine)
Colonel Chamberlain was a man committed to knowledge, studious behaviors, and voracious learning. He was also a warrior who embodied tenacity and bravery in the face of overwhelming odds and fearful conditions. There has been an erroneous attitude creeping through the Body of Christ for many decades now that has discouraged God’s people from pursuing solid education, and raw godly character that made people like Joshua Chamberlain part of the needful fabric of our nation’s toughest times. After gaining his A. B. Degree from Bowdoin College, he attended Bangor Theological Seminary for three more years of spiritual study, proving himself a Bible scholar on par with his future as a war hero and historic governor.
I recently had a friend (I have known him for 15 years) on social media tell me, “I would read your book, but I do not like or listen to people after they get a doctorate.” I can track with having a bit of an eye-roll towards some narcissist who pretends to be something they are not… but a general rejection because one chooses to passionately engage in learning is a destructive overcorrection. It was my intimate and trusting relationship with God combined with my knowledge of history and our lawful founding documents (like the First Amendment) that compelled me to defend the church against the tyranny of our day.
The life of Joshua Chamberlain exemplifies the potent combination of courage, conviction, scholasticism, and leadership. Chamberlain continued to distinguish himself after Gettysburg. Wounded at Little Round Top, he was wounded five more times, twice so severely that his obituary was published. Six times, a horse was shot out from under him. Chamberlain’s heroic actions at Little Round Top played a crucial role in the Union victory, earning him widespread honor and recognition. Brevet Major General Chamberlain returned briefly to his academic duties at Bowdoin after the Civil War, but was soon elected as a popular war hero to four terms as governor of Maine where he was never a member of the inner circle of the party and also ironically distrusted by its leading politicians due to his incorruptible character.
Our generation is facing a unique battlefield populated by spiritual forces dedicated to our destruction. The commander of our opposition has been successfully whipping people and governments into his will for six thousand years. The beatings will continue until submission is achieved.
But, what if we won’t submit? What if we instead choose to sharpen our minds and train our hearts for a war victory?
“Blessed be the LORD, my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle.”
Psalms 144:1
“The LORD is my strength and my song, and He has become my salvation.
He is my God, and I will praise Him, my father’s God, and I will exalt Him.
The LORD is a warrior, the LORD is His name.”
Exodus 15:2-3
As a reminder, this war is spiritual, so our training and engagement must also be in that realm. This is not about shining up your AR-15 and stockpiling C-rations because the big mean antichrist is coming for helpless little us. This is about removing fear and carnal distractions so our focus is on eternal thoughts and purposes. I want to help be a part of that journey for you.
Here are some ways you can train your heart and mind:
- Share (and give a positive review of) my book, “Liberating the Bride”
- Subscribe to Beloved Church’s YouTube channel
- Go deeper into theology on Expedition 44
- Consider Charis Bible College
- Take your education to a high level at Covenant Theological Seminary (if you desire to enroll, check with me first because I work there…)
- Subscribe to my passionate blog on Substack
- Became a REAL disciple (Doc Ryan’s book will help: “This is the Way”)
- Find a remnant group of disciples in a local church and go all in
- Know your God better than you ever have before
- Know your Bible better than you ever have before
- Support us at SCM so we can continue to educate, inspire, and empower people around the world
I am eternally grateful for all of the love, prayer, and support so many of you have shown in sincerity.
We are all here for ‘such a time as this’ to be victorious over ‘all the wiles of the devil’.
“The one who overcomes will inherit all things, and I will be his God, and he will be My son.”
Revelation 21:7
For the Holy Cause of Liberty!
Steve and the SCM team